Tuesday, July 11, 2006

~~~StReSs Or DePrEsSiOn!!!~~~

I dunno man! Couldn't really differentiate or even determine if I am suffering from any of it at all. I guess if I am writing this then I most likely I am not. Oh well......dunno what's wrong with me then.

Been suffering from the lack of appetite. Occasion diarrhoea. Short memory. Easily losing concentration. Fatigue. Pretty much the common signs for stress and depression. Do I need a doctor? Isn't it a common knowledge for everyone how to conquer or kurb either stress or depression? Like taking up a sport or doing something that helps to relax the mind which one may enjoy doing? So why am I not adopting the methods or strategies?

Maybe nothing interest me? Or maybe my interest in something that I enjoy has a short life span? And if that is the case why is it so? Lack of commitment, time or even resources? All I can say is maybe........just like taking up golf. I think it is a good example of the senario mentioned above.

Or is the such thing as the Prenatal Paternal Stress? ???


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