Monday, June 26, 2006


Can't find a better word for the title of this post. Lack of inspirations maybe. Not sure if anyone is still visiting this miserable blog of mine anymore. Haven't really been quite a regular here in fact. No one responded to my WC thing that I mentioned in my last post so I guess no one saw it or at least there were no comments from anyone. Well I guess nonetheless I wil still continue to post here as and when I feel like it and keep it as a diary. Hmmm......isn't it what it was meant to be? Oh well....
Lost? In fact there's only one aspect of my life that I could possibly be lost - Career! Everything else seem to be rather smooth sailing I would say. Friends, family (except for the fact that my dad just went through an ops but was already discharged today and recovering well) for career....??? I have upgraded from complaining about work to something more profound! Just remembered a saying from the movie "Bullet Proof Monk". In the movie this was mentioned : "Why are hotdogs in cans of 10 and hotdog buns in packet of 8 instead?" The answer? (a rather profound one indeed - "Becoz you never get what you really want in life?"
I wonder if that is relevant to my job and career. Honestly I don't really know what I want still. Perhaps there is really nothing that I want. In fact I am happy as long as I am able to provide for my love ones. A job is nothing more than something you get paid for doing? Can I adopt this mentality and blend it with my personality? Maybe I could be working for myself instead? Would that make a difference? Maybe I just shouldn't think too much. Sighh.....


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