Wednesday, December 21, 2005

~~~sErViCe StAnDaRdS........OR tHe LaCk Of!!!~~~

Well you decide for yourself. I decided to post this after an ordeal with one of Singapore's most well know brand for mobile phones. Anyway don't worry I'm not going to go through the whole story here. Its too long winded. In fact I intended for this to be a short but convicting post.
Imagine you are a customer who has experience extremely poor service a restaurant and here's the reply you get.......
"Sir/Mdm, I apologise for what has happened and indeed no apologies can change what has happened. However, we appreciate you comments and would certainly do our best to rectify the situation in future. Here's a $100 meal voucher we are offering you with our limited resource. I certainly hope that you could visit us again with the problem rectified. Thank you!"
The above statement may not be the best words to put together but the idea is there. Honestly, I'm very curious to know that other than the word sorry what else can service provider say or do? Because all I hear from them each time something is done wrong is sorry. Sometimes I feel like saying something childish to them. "Can I slap you and then say sorry?"
What is service to them really? Worth thinking about?


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