Tuesday, November 08, 2005


First its O2 Xda phone. Got rid of it to get the latest Nokia N70 3G phone. After that its the latest and coolest Sony PSP. What become of me? MR GADGET FREAK???
Truely speaking I have never been one. I guess I might be able to find some justifications for some of these gadgets lor. O2 was for obvious reasons. Keeping up to date and organising my work in a mre systematic manner but it was a disappointment lor. That's why I traded it for my current N70. And as for PSP, I have always wanted to get either the PS2 or XBox. So when PSP came about, it became the more obvious choice. So it wasn't really out of a spurs of the moment.
Baby also got herself a Sony Z800i 3G phone from me as her birthday present. I can see that she is enjoying her new phone lor. I bet she can't wait to upgrade her SIM card to do video call with me lor. :D


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