Saturday, March 05, 2005

~~~I QUIT! pArT 2 ;p~~~

No I didn't pick up smoking again! :P

I have finally made up my mind. I have decided to quit my job AGAIN! Yes, for the countless times I have been talking about it. This time the decision is firm and I have never been more sure. Yes the contraints are still the same and the finance burden hasn't changed but I need to get out of the shit hole for the better of my mental well-being. Its taking too much of what I can give. Whether its the job that's too stressful or I'm just plain too weak for this........I QUIT!

I always believed that the duration of the stay at a job depends very much on whether the expectations of both the employee and employer are met. I need my time for my studies which is outside my scope and I need the time which I could use for working late to attend class and study. The company has certain expectations and one of which is to stay back to work if you cannot finish your job. I cannot meet that expectation, therefore I feel it is better to leave the company for the benefit of everyone. Whatever the other reasons might be, it doesn't matter anymore. I don't even think that I am useful to the company anymore. There are so much issues which I cannot solve from the shit that was left behind.

I don't mind getting a slightly lower paid job, probably marketing related I hope and a 5day work week job so I get more time for my studies. Might need to push back the holiday plans liao. Sorry baby..... :(


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