Monday, May 22, 2006

~~~sIcK sIcK sIcK!!!~~~

Yeah been sick like a dog man!!! Almost 2 weeks man!
Its all started with diarhoea. And mind u when I saw the doctor for that it has already been a few days since it started liao. Just when I almost done with the shitting, I caught a flu. Was coughing and started to have running nose too. And eventually that led to fever, sore throat and guess what? MORE diarhoea. I wonder what's wrong man!!!
Well, as a matter of fact, I am well enough now to be writing this but decided to take another day off to rest and recuperate. Not sure if I have fully recovered lor. I need to lar no matter what. Not only I have tonnes of work waiting for me but more importantly I need to be well so take care of both my precious babies. Baby has been such a loving wife, showering me with every TLC she's got. I felt so much like a pampered child. Thanks baby!!!
Well, u might have read from her blog about the gender of the baby so I shall not mention again then. We are both looking forward to the arrival man! Its getting more exciting as the days goes by. I never fail to get so fascinated when I look at baby's tummy. So round and its getting bigger by the day. I can't wait to feel the baby from outside the womb. Guess since its a girl, she might not be so active lor.

Friday, May 12, 2006

~~~i AlMoSt FoRgOt!!!~~~ blogger login passwaord. Its been so long liao hor.
Was too damn busy lor. Busy with everything lor. Work especially. Father has been sick too. Been in and out of hospital. In fact he's still there now. Coming back tomorrow supposedly. Hopefully he can be well enough for the surgery that is already overdued.
Baby is growing fine. Starting to move around in the womb liao. Can't feel it from the outside yet though. Myself, I've been sick too. Was down with food poisoning and now with flu. Sighhh....but of course thanks to the TLC from baby, I'm feeling better liao. Except my nose is still damn itchy lor. Baby is clearing up the warerode and putting some of her clothes aside to make room for her more frequently used maternity clothes now. Hehe.....and she is enjoying Sun Yanzi concert on TV. :P
Nothing much I guess.....dunno when is the next update from me again.