Sunday, February 26, 2006

~~~nO tImE!!!~~~

Yes indeed. That's why I haven't posted for awhile. The only time I have, I spend them with my beloved wife, my naughty itchy teeth doy called Ady or chaffeuring my family members. Of course not to mention work. I hardly have time for myself. I guess that's probably why some people fear marriage so much becoz you end up not having any time for yourself. But hey!, I have dedicated my heart and soul to a family that is made up of my wife and myself and of course a little one to come in due time. (Some time in early Oct)
I'm not complaining lah, really. Its just amazing that how everything else has come above yourself and become priorities in my life. Is this what they call Agape? Uncondition love? Perhaps I have indeed found the true meaning of that. How amazing!

Saturday, February 11, 2006


A friend called to send regards to us and congratulate us too. Funny the conversation somehow brought much thoughts into my mind. She asked me if I have bought Toto. My immediate thought was, 'is there a need to'? I suddenly felt a sense of contentment. I don't need to be rich and famous. Now I only want my wife and baby to be well. This is all I ask for. I said to her that there is nothing material that I want anymore. As long as I can earn a decent living to support a family, I'm more than happy.

If there is something that anyone would be yearning for its happiness. I have already found my happiness and there is really nothing more that I want. My life now revolves around the happiness that I have found. Everything that I do involves them. Everything that I do is for them. It is no longer me, myself and I anymore. My life don't belong to me now. My life is now bonded with my blood that's flowing in my wife. Its an amazing feeling. We both are excited about the new experience and learning to cope with it. I'm sure things will be fine.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

~~~ThE hEaRt Is HeAvY!!!~~~

Who says father tends to have less attachment just becoz they did not carry the baby in the womb like the mother does? I beg to differ. My heart has been heavy since the news. Many thoughts wonder aimlessly in my mind. Only one thing was as clear as a crystal.....that is to make the best for my precious wife and my baby. Honestly, I live in constant fear. Fear that my wife cannot cope with the morning sickness. Fear that she might not get enough nutrition. Fear that I'm not doing enough to make her feel most at ease. I can feel how lethargic it gets becoz I am too.
I'm not sure if its becoz we are not prepared enough for this but we'll have to learn then. Everything else seems secondary now. There is indeed no more personal space. All has been given up for both my precious wife and my forth coming baby. I only feel a strong sense of willingness becoz it is happiness I find and all is worthwhile. I only want the best for them. With limited means though.....sighhhhh!!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

~~~LiFe Is LiKe A bOx Of ChOcOlAtE!!!~~~

Forrest Gump!
Life can be full of surprises! You really never know what you get. And sometimes even if its a pleasant surprise, it can be too much to swallow at one go! Hahaha.....
Oh well......we'll see how it goes then!

Monday, February 06, 2006

~~~HoLiDaY iS oVeR!!!~~~

Back to work. I'm sure anyone who's reading this can sense a strong complain coming along. :P
Oh well, nothing much to complain about work yet since the day has just started. Feeling lethargic though. Sleepy in fact!

There's something that I have been waiting to post but haven't been able to get down on it. Many thoughts are floating in my mind but I have been too preoccupied with friends coming over for mj, going to relatives' place and of course attentions given to Ady.

I always thought that getting married wouldn't make much of a difference between us since we have been living together for a while even before the wedding. Well, it didn't to a great extend. I mean, we were pretty used to the living habits of each other. What I do notice is that, it is probably much more different for Wendy instead. Having to live with my parents, adapting to the neighbourhood, taking care of Ady and doing household chores. Its quite alot to take on. I just want to say that I see the effort and I am not taking it for granted. Don't get too stress baby. I'm always here with you. I may be a 'da nan ren' but I can do household chores too. :D

Even though the wedding is over but I have not forgotten friends that has rendered their help. Without them, it would be very tough for us. I case I left out during the thank you speech at the banquet, here's the list;

All the 'jie mei', Marie, Doreen (cousin-in-law), Sharon, Elaine and Qiu Yen (cousin-in-law). Thanks for being so lenient at the door. You have been most gracious I must say. Sounds damn 'sa kar' leh. Hey but really thanks for making the entire affair a really fun one. I'm sure the photos will bring back many laughters.

All the 'brothers', Jon (Best man), Jason Teo, Ben Ong and Tsu. Thanks for going through all the sufferings with me at the door especially the wasabi powder. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I do. At least I know Jason will. :D Thanks to Ben and Tsu for sharing their experiences. Please don't mistaken, Ben is still single. Just that he has attented enough weddings over the years. :P Jason did a great job during the photo-taking session. It couldn't be more efficient.

A special thanks to Elsa for being one of our emcees for the night. You did a great job and I'm sure many enjoy the session. And of course there is one person that I cannot thank enough, my best man, Mr Jonathan Ho. Its a pity that I couldn't tap on his expertise as a photographer for my wedding though. Nonetheless, I thank you for putting in the effort in drafting out the emcee script despite your busy schedule. And of course the errands you have to run with us even after the wedding. I guess the only way I can thank him enough is to find him his happiness. Brother, I'm keeping a lookout for you constantly! I'm sure you are too. Perhaps sometimes happiness will come knocking at your door without you looking too hard. 'Ker3 yu4 bu4 ker3 qiu2', remember?