Sunday, November 27, 2005

~~~mY pOoR bAbY!!!~~~

All thanks to some mofos (Mother Fuckers). I swear I will get back at them one day. In one way or another. For precious baby, I shall curse them!!! Even though I may burn in hell!
That's how furious I am but on the other hand I can't do shit! That's even more frustrating lor. Sometimes I really wish to just walk in there and fuck them nicely. And guess what? We have no choice but to shut up and work. Why? Just because we need the money. This is something that I hate most in my entire life. I hate to be drag by the nose just because I don't have a choice. And I hate it more when my precious one is suffering from that too. I really don't think anyone of us deserve to suffer this way lor.
I always believe that what goes around comes around. One day I'm sure either myself or baby will get back at them. If all else fail, this shall be our motivation to work even harder in order to really get a chance to outshine them and step right on their head. We don't need to be too high up there. Just high enough to put our finger tip on them. Trust me, they will suffer.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

~~~ThE tImE hAs CoMe!!!~~~

Yes!!! Its only two months away and we are all getting excited about it!!!
Collected the invitation cards yesterday before going for the food tasting at the hotel. Going to seriously start looking at the invite list liao. And my mum mentioned that we need to get the wedding cakes ready also because they are meant to be distributed to friends and relatives when giving them the invitation cards. I can foresee that everything is going to happen so fast that before we know it, it the BIG day already. This friday we are going for a final vet of the album layout. Hopefully everything turns out fine.
I'm having my exams in mid Dec. Immediately after that, we are going for our second photo shoot with Jon for our second album. Many many more photos coming......

Friday, November 18, 2005

~~~DiLeMa Of ThE yEaR!!!~~~HOW???

How??? What should I do? Should I stay or should I leave? Both are 50% chances. I really dunnno what should I do. Stay and let the grand plan materialised? Leave now and take the chance? I have been so bothered by this decision lately. Should I just take the plunge? Even if I do, I need to first decide to plunge which way. It is not as though there is any better options available out there now.
Sighhhh.....blame it on my weakness lor. I thought I have already decided? Now changing mind again? What's stopping me? It would be good to know the answer.
Final paper just round the corner. Super no confident this time. Maybe I say that all the time yet each time I still manage to clear all. BUT this time is really different liao. If I only fail one that would be a consolation already. The lecturers this term really sucks big time man! Of course not to mention the inconsistency in the standards. Sighhhhh......I really need to pray hard man! Anyway took exam leave already. Hope it helps man!

Friday, November 11, 2005

~~~My JoB SuCkS!!!~~~

17th Dec 2005 is THE day!!!
I have reach the limit liao! It has been more than once that I wanted to just walk out and off my moblie phone. This is getting so unhealthy man! Endurance is the key now.
Just chatted with an ex-colleague of mine that is work in a listed company now. She was telling me how political it can get at her company. Hey but the pay is good, and not forgetting all the fringe benefits. All these years I only gotten a 2 weeks bonus and nothing else. She got a 1month AWS, 2months bonus and a $300 Ang Bao during CNY. Next month she is going to Taiwan, company trip. She only needed to top up $300 and this is deducted from her salary over a 6 month interest free installment. How to beat that? I was telling her that I think with all these benefits, even the cleaner's pay is probably higher than mine. Hear already sibei tulan leh!
As I have been telling people, when your pay is high you tend to be afriad of not being able to get another with the same or higher pay. But for my case I am not worried lor coz mine pay sucks for the kind of job I do.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


First its O2 Xda phone. Got rid of it to get the latest Nokia N70 3G phone. After that its the latest and coolest Sony PSP. What become of me? MR GADGET FREAK???
Truely speaking I have never been one. I guess I might be able to find some justifications for some of these gadgets lor. O2 was for obvious reasons. Keeping up to date and organising my work in a mre systematic manner but it was a disappointment lor. That's why I traded it for my current N70. And as for PSP, I have always wanted to get either the PS2 or XBox. So when PSP came about, it became the more obvious choice. So it wasn't really out of a spurs of the moment.
Baby also got herself a Sony Z800i 3G phone from me as her birthday present. I can see that she is enjoying her new phone lor. I bet she can't wait to upgrade her SIM card to do video call with me lor. :D

Friday, November 04, 2005

~~~bAck......To SlAvErY!!!~~~

Sighhhh.....the holiday was great with great companions BUT......NOT ENOUGH!!!!
I also realised that I seriously need to go for a MRI scan for my right ankle. It is giving me some serious problem lor. Went for an X-ray some time back but there was no fracture or crack found on my bones. The pain is probably from my ligaments then. Oh well.....I'll let the doctor decide I guess.
More deadlines coming up. Of course not forgetting my precious baby's birthday is coming up in 2 weeks. Hahaah.....she still dare not request to have her off day on her birthday from her mgr. We are doing our food tasting at the hotel on her birthday. I thought it was a good idea since our families will be around to celebrate her birthday together. :D
Haven't decided on what to get for her yet leh. Running out of idea. I think I have bought her lots of stuff liao. What else can I get her? Need some inspiration. Well.....whatever it is I will keep it a secret for now. Hehehe.....