~~~LoNg WeEkEnD aHeAd!!!~~~
Yeah took a couple of days of leave towards the end of this month. There's a PH (Labour Day)coming up mah. Took advantage of it together with my off days. So I will be off for 5days straight and I only took 2days leave. :P Maximisation to the MAX!
It is usually this quiet in the office at this time of the day. NO one comes to work on time! NONE! Of course the reason why I know this is because I DO! :P Not that I am proud or what but I just think that it is basic responsiblity to report on time. Oh well.....someone just called to say that she's on MC. I just said ok coz I'm not surprise at all. Just so used to it liao.
Work has been great so far. I foresee more responsiblities coming my way, which is good! I'm hoping to start smelling promotion by end of next year so every bit now counts. Been busy planning for a major event that's coming up this July. I'm giving myself alot of pressure to put up a good show.
My precious has been back at HG for the last 3 consecutive days. Been rather tiring I must say but spending the night her never fails to make me a happier man. She's such a precious darling to us. We love her to bits.....just can't stop smelling her, playing with her, singing to her, talking to her......just love the way she look at me while she drinks her milk. She just look straight into your eyes without any reservations. :P
She's growing up....and we could see the changes from the photos we took liao. So fast and yet so slow....hahahahahaha!