~~~nEw YeAr ResOlUtIoN???~~~
Hmmmm...........??? What more can I be asking for? Ok ok its suppose to be a new year resolution and not a wish list.
Let's see.....get marrried? DUHZZZzzzzzzz!!!!
Ok seriously, I think first on the list should be to get a new job. I'm already service my notice now and I should seriously try to get a new job soon. Cannot put all the financial burden on baby lar. :P
Honestly, I think I should start reading. Not novels lar......but anything else. Like a regular publication or even the newspaper on a daily basis. I think reading keeps the mind alert and keeps you up-to-date. What else huh?
Start going to the gym again? Keep fit? Dunno leh. I don't want to set something that is too idealist lar.....not that I've never tried before lor. Sighhhh......should I bother to try to go to the gym again? KIV first??? Hehe.....
Not sure if there's anymore leh.....how about being a good husband? Hehehe....this one no need to say one lar. What about having my first child? :P
I guess can always update again when I think of any lor. :P